This is Ke'alohi, she is Lokelani's sister. You can read all about Lokelani in earlier posts, but this is the unveiling of Ke'alohi, which means
"the brightness".

You can probably tell by looking at her that she is out for a good time. She is much wilder and not nearly as serious as Lokelani, but they do have fun together, when Lokelani loosens up and decides to play.
"the brightness".

You can probably tell by looking at her that she is out for a good time. She is much wilder and not nearly as serious as Lokelani, but they do have fun together, when Lokelani loosens up and decides to play.

As always a delight to see your new work Nicole!!!
Hey Waxela, what a cute sister mermaid--those two are adorable together! Your work always gives me the warm fuzzies! ;)
Ke'alohi is most definitely a sweet treat! :)
Love her!
I can not get over how you all design the faces like you do.
Lovin the sisters!
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