Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
PCAGOE December Challenge

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Santa Sock Monkey

Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Marie Antoinette Award
1) Please add the Marie Antoinette award photo on your blog
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Frog Prince will Travel to California

Monday, November 24, 2008
Family Portrait Gone Awry
These were taken by my mom on the side line. I'm sure the photographer, Jay got at least one good one!?

Here are some shots from the weekend. I love this one. Josiah took it. I don't even mind that my head is cut off because it is the first picture I have with Gabriel where I don't look pale and pasty. I'm wearing G in my new Zolo sling.
Look at this proud (and handsome) daddy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Winter Warlock

Saturday, November 15, 2008
I usually take a moment this time of year to reflect and be grateful for all of the blessings in my life. This year I have a heart full of gratitude for my new son, Gabriel, who will be 25 days old on Thanksgiving day. I am so grateful for his health, his beautiful presence, and the love and bliss he brings to his new parents and our families.

It is amazing how just the site of a tiny baby brings smiles to the faces of strangers. People aren't afraid to stop and stare at an infant, they know the infant has no concern about being publicly admired. The infant won't say "What are you staring at?!" Infants are completely authentic. Everything they feel is genuinely expressed, with no sensoring, anytime (3am), any palce, public or not.
We have a lot to learn from infants. If as adults we practice expressing our emotions, thoughts, and feelings genuinely and authentically to eachother, and if as listeners we can allow our loved ones to express themselves openly without becoming judgmental of them, a new world of authentic relationship will open up.
So my goal this Thanksgiving is to listen without taking offense, and be fully present without judgment.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sock Monkey Sculpture Menagerie

I got a custom order for a one year old birthday cupcake tower topper monkey set, so here they are:

Let me know if you have any ideas for sock monkey sculptures, I'd love to give them a try!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Baby Gabriel Has Arrived!
Weighing 9 pounds and 21 inches long.

He was born at home in our piano room in a birthing pool. This picture was taken less than a minute after his birth. My husband, Brett was in the pool with me the whole time.

The labor was about 5 hours long, and we all came out great! This picture is his first with big sister, Josiah, taken about an hour after the birth. She is a wonderful helper!

He is wonderful and we are so blessed to have him.
:- )
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tagged again
I’ve been tagged by UniqueCommodities to share 7 secrets. Because I’ve been tagged before I will not tag new people, but I will share some dirt:
1) My favorite color is purple.
2) I never watch scary or violent movies because I have nightmares if I do.
3) I feel naked without earrings and I almost never leave the house without them.
4) I hate cooking, I burn everything (including myself) when I do cook.
5) My favorite food is Thai food. I could eat it every day.
6) Last night I broke the toilet seat when I sat on it. This did not help my self-esteem :-(
7) I'm 5 days overdue to have my baby today, and although I'm a very patient person (usually) my patience has worn out. I'm going to a friend for "bring on the labor" accupuncture today!
Friday, October 31, 2008
November Challenge

The Way-a-ay-ting is the hard-est part.
So I've been absorbing myself in sock monkeys.
Yes, I have no doubt this is a very unconventional approach to dealing with the uncontrollable world of overdue pregnancy. But sock monkeys are my muse and thank goodness for them, they have even been dancing through my dreams lately. At least they keep me smiling!
:- )

Learn more about "Zen Monkey" HERE.
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Will Wash My Hands Among The Innocent

The bat man came to me after a nightmare. I woke up in a terror, and I had been working on this art doll's face. I had the idea to make him into a batman because bats are so sweet and innocent, yet so misunderstood by humanity.
How I made the art doll:
I sculpted the face and torso first with polymer clay, using glass eyes. I thought for days about what to make him into. His face has a sweetness and an innocent look. I considered a monk, I settled on a bat.I first researched the body structure of a bat. I sculpted the bone structure of the wings and added them to his torso. I decided to use liquid sculpey for the wings. They were a challenge and I baked them no less than a dozen times to get them the consistency I desired. Now they are elastic and membrane-like, very cool. I sculpted each tiny claw and got a wonderful bat claw effect. I collaged in pieces from my 1914 prayer book after digitally creating a spiral effect. I chose the title because that is the quote under the bat's left wing.
The shadowbox is 9"x11" The bat art doll has a 7" wingspan. See more pics on Flickr:

Friday, October 24, 2008
Baby Sock Monkey Ornaments

What's cuter than a sock monkey? A baby sock monkey!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cousin Leland, AKA Sock Monkey

I have decided to explore my long time love of sock monkeys. As a child my great aunt Jenny had one she called "Cousin Leland", and I didn't know they were called sock monkeys until I was an adult (fairly recently, actually). Whenever I would see one somewhere I would say "Oh look, it's cousin Leland!" I never met the actual cousin Leland, but apparently the resemblance is striking.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I Voted Today!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Fab Witch Art
Here is one I did:
Isaura the Spell Casting Witch Concocts Her Best Brew

Look at this one, called "The Owlchemist" from Leilalou's shop on etsy:
Here's a cutie Folk Art Witch by FunkyFolky:
and finally one of my favorite polymer sculptors, MealyMonster, brings us Molly and the Zombie Baby:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Frog Prince Dreams ACEO

I have finally completed my Frog Prince ACEO!
I will be sending copies of it to the winners of the "complete my frog prince challenge" once they arrive, in about two weeks.
After some researching I decided to have them printed professionally instead of doing it myself. I think the cost will end up about the same and I know a professional service will do it right! And I don't have to shop for the paper, sealant, and plastic sleeves, AND I don't have to do the work!
I'll let you know how the quality is and I'll plug the service I used if they turn out great.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
9 Months Pregnant IN the New Dress

Isn't Brett cute! He keeps reminding me this is temporary. And it is, as of today I have 21 days to my due date, and I'm guessing Baby G will come early, so 2 to 3 weeks to go.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
PCAGOE October Challenge

Congrats to all the winners, and thank you to all who voted!

Friday, October 3, 2008
Nine Months Pregnant and a New Dress

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Etsy Bloggers Street Team Blogger of the Month
Jen's baby friendly beads can be worn while nursing and give baby something to look at and play with during meal time. What a creative idea!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Frog Prince Has a Throne