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Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Toy Story Inspired Character Sculptures

I have had a group of Toy Story collectors asking me to make 3-D reproductions of various Toy Story characters over the last 18 months.  Making 3-D reproductions of computer animated toys is not my favorite thing to do, but I have continued to do it because these collectors are VERY persistent and some of the characters are a lot of fun.  They have all posed challenges, and some were not fun at all to sculpt. All of them take a lot of time (usually way more time than I expected). Overall I think I am a better artist now because of this work, and ultimately that is the most valuable thing I have received from doing these sculptures.  Here are a few of the Toy Story characters I've reproduced:

Bo Peep's 3 Headed Sheep-
This is one of my favorites.  I just love the character of the sheep's faces.

Little Bo Peep- She was one of my most difficult sculptures.  Everything is so detailed on her, and I was SO HAPPY the day she was finished!

Chuckles the Clown-  This one was actually pretty fun.  He has a soft body with sculpted head, hands and feet.  I love sculpting clowns.

Hockey Puck-  This is an obscure character from the first Toy Story movie.

These are just a few of the many I have made.  I'll post again soon with some more images of Toy Story Characters.

Thanks for stopping by!
aka SpiritMama

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Winter Warlock

Remember the wonderful animated "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" movie from childhood? I loved watching it each year when it came on TV, back in the days before DVDs and DVRs.
I was thinking about what to do for the winter theme challenge for PCAGOE, and the winter warlock came to mind. He refused to leave until I sculpted him.
I considered doing the tamer "Mr. Winter", which is what the Warlock turned into after Kris Kringle presented him with a toy train and they went frolicking arm in arm singing "Put one foot in front of the other...".
But winter to me means blowing winds, cold temperatures, blizzards and the like (I was raised in Northern Iowa), so the warlock fits the theme in my mind.
Winter Warlock is made of polymer clay with a foil and wire armature. His tunic is fabric and his hair is a mixture of Tibetan lambs wool and polyester fur. He has been painted with acrylic paints. He is 8" tall and his arm span is 7" wide.