I'm 37 weeks pregnant. I could burst any day. If you read my post a few weeks ago with the belly pictures, I'm EVEN BIGGER now!
So guess what... My husband's 20 year class reunion is this weekend, starting tonight. I'm going to meet all of these people Brett has been telling me about for years, for the first time tonight, and I'm 50+ pounds over my normal weight. Yesterday I realized I have nothing to wear (my daily maternity stretch pants won't cut it for this event). Brett informed me he's wearing a suit. A SUIT!
I don't want to spend any money on clothes right now. Trying anything on at this point is a sad and self-defeating event. My chiropracter suggested I go as a Jack-O-Lantern, but this isn't a Halloween party!
I was considering my dilema as I ran my errands yesterday. I was at Target when I walked by the maternity section. There was a 75% off rack. I couldn't help myself, I dove in and grabbed every massive maternity dress on the rack!
The dressing room is a scary and comical place at 9 months pregnant. Most of the large dresses fit me like Saran Wrap. However, there was one large maternity dress, all black, knee length, not 100% polyester, that fit. I admit it looks like a tent from the belly down, but I prefer tent over saran at this point. I looked at the tag. $7.48. It's a deal!
I now have a dress. I'll have someone take a picture of me in it tonight any you can laugh too after I post it tomorrow!