Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I've been so busy, I forgot to go check out the monster parade at Zan's blog, Wild at Heart Art!

The monster parade is a showing of all of the monster art dolls that were created for Zan's latest art doll swap.  It is really something to see, so go take a look!

And without further ado, I will now show off Alexander, the preppy brain-bearing "nice guy" monster that I made for this swap.


Alexander went to live with LoopyBoopy, and from what I've heard he's very happy there!
stay tuned for a look at the beautiful monster Colleen of LoopyBoopy sent to me!


  1. Can you believe this fellow?? AND he is all mine! I absolutely love love Alexander (and I think he likes me too:) Thanks so much Waxela!!

    Waxela is an amazing doll maker, Alexander is constructed so perfectly. His little sweater and blue jeans are amazing! I truly love him!

  2. You are so sweet Colleen, thank you, and you know I feel like the lucky one in this swap, very lucky!

  3. Perfect for Halloween! I have a couple friends VERY into halloween.


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