Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gabrielle Ghost

I am so excited to share this wonderful ghostie lady with you.  She was created for me by Colleen of LoopyBoopy, and she is just beautiful. Her name is Gabrielle.


Do you love her?


Are you jealous?

You can see more LoopyBoopy creations in her etsy shop:

And here is another wonderful treasure I received last month for winning second place in the PCAGOE monthly challenge.

It is a beautiful polymer clay pendant by Linda of NK Designs.  It has gorgeous sparkles and it's so smooth it feels like stone.

See more of Linda's work in her etsy shop:

Thanks so much Colleen and Linda, I am truly blessed to have such beautiful art!


  1. Hehee, yes, some of us may have envy! :)

    Lucky you!

  2. How cool to see someone elses pictures of my dollies, I believe you've made her look even more mysterious than I do:) Thanks so much Waxela. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to share Alexander with the world. This definetly needs to go to the top of my 'to do' list!

  3. I'm thrilled with Gabrielle, Colleen, and I'm so happy you hosted that incredible swap, Zan!

  4. And much luv back atchya Waxela :)

  5. Thanks so much Waxela. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to share Alexander with the world.

    Work From Home

  6. This definetly needs to go to the top of my 'to do' list

    Work From Home


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