Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Goals

I'm starting the new year with some business goals in mind.

The first is to join a new networking/ promotional site, which I did on Jan 1 (how's that for gettin' right to it?)
I joined ThisNext, a very cool site for promoting anything and everything you think is great. There is a wonderful social aspect to the site, and it is really fun to put my fav's on there. Check it out here: ThisNext

SpiritMama's recommendations at ThisNext

My next goal is to be more active in my art doll making. I have already joined ADO "Art Dolls Only", a group on etsy that includes doll makers, and some fantastically great ones too! I'm working on a "Broken Hearts" challenge doll, and I'm loving the challenge. I've never done a sad doll before! I'll post pics of her later.

My third goal (an I think 3 is enough) is one my hubby thought of, and I love it. It is to "create" the perfect person to market my artwork. I'm not much of a self promoter beyond my online marketing, and I frankly would rather be in the studio than pounding the pavement to find gallery shows and shops to have my art in. So we will create the perfect marketing match, someone who loves and knows the art world, and my style of art. I think I'll do a vision board to call that person in.


  1. great idea to get that out-going person to cheer your work on...I need someone like that myself! Haven't seen "ThisNext" before - looks like a fun networking site. Thanks for the link, and for participating in the carnival! {:-Deb

  2. I'll have to pop over and check out this is next. Great idea!

  3. I agree with Story, it is great to have a cheerleader.
    The baby looks precious.

    Nico Designs / ToteNTots


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