Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Making of "Sarah Lost Her Lover" art doll

I mentioned in my last post that I joined a new team called "ADO" for Art Dolls Only. This group is so fantastic, I'm really growing as a doll artist because of my participation with them. I just completed my first ADO challenge doll, the theme was "broken hearts". I made a doll called "Sarah Lost Her Lover" and I documented my steps, so I will post them here and you can see how she came together.

Step 1: Armature and head

Step 2: Add some boots, bake, and put fringe on boot tops and paint (watch for tassles later)

Step 3: Add makeup (acrylic paint) and tears in eyes and cheeks (sculpey glaze), and wrap armature in cloth

Step 4: Add clothing! I love this part, it took me about 5 or 6 hours to complete the clothing, after the clothing I made the hands and placed them on the armature.

Step 5: Hair

Final Step: Accessorize

Here is the story:

Sarah has a broken heart, her lover has left her with nothing but a box of memories.

Sarah comes with her box of memories, containing a photograph of her lost love, some dried flowers from their first date, a letter from him, and a tiny white ring box.

Sarah is a one of a kind art doll sculpted by myself, Waxela Sananda. She is a mixed media sculpture and she sits only 4.5" tall. She took me about 22 hours to complete.

You can see more pictures of Sarah, including "The Making of Sarah Lost her Lover" on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spiritmama/sets/72157612451809277/

"Sarah Lost Her Lover" is for sale in my shop on Etsy.


  1. OMGoodness! What EXCELLENT work...she is great.



  2. WOW! that is amazing! I always wondered what the process looked like...you are one heck of an artist! And the accessories...fabulous touch

  3. Oh this is so cool to see how you do this! Your work is amazing! Marva


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