Sunday, September 21, 2008

Elusive, Tingly Autumn Magic

I have always loved the not-too-warm, not-too-cold days of autumn, when the air is crisp and has a magical aliveness to it. It feels a little prickly, tingly, and sparkly. I love it when the leaves have turned every hue of orange, red, multi-colored greenish-yellowish-maroon, and they fall and crackle under feet on a leisurely woodsy walk. The heat of summer has subsided and the chill of winter has yet to pounce.

I used to live in northern Iowa where this fantasy fall only lasted a couple of weeks, sometimes less, then turned cold and snowy. Now I live in Texas where autumn just means we're no longer in triple digits Fahrenheit! But for two lovely autumns in Ashland, Oregon, and one perfect Fall in Boulder, Colorado, I experienced the magic of a long-lasting, woodsy-walk filled, delightful, leaf-crackling autumn of my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful description! I LOVE Autumn, even if it does mean that old man winter is lying in wait to chill my bones for 3 months!

    The leaf pendant is beautiful :)



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