Monday, September 22, 2008

Buyer Beware: Condoms Used in Hair Ties From China!

My husband just warned me about buying hair bands (the stretchy kind) from China. It seems there is a bizarre practice there of cutting a section of condom and covering it with colorful thread, then selling it to the public as a "rubber" hair band (excuse my pun).

The manufacturers claim that the condoms are unused, and were rejects from the factory where they were made, however this has yet to be confirmed. I'm all for recycling, upcycling, reusing, etc, but this is where I draw the line. Actually this is way past any line I've ever drawn! You can read about it on Snopes:
They also have pictures so you can see what to avoid.

And while you are avoiding Chinese hair bands, why not check out Etsy for some fabulous hand made (not from condoms) hair accessories.


  1. Thank you so much for including my Do Not Eat clips in your post! :)

    Urgh! I've never heard of that practice. Doesn't EVERYTHING come from China these days? That said, I just bought some hair ties for my daughter the other day....hope they're not condom-ified!

  2. Chinese rubbers, ugh! I agree with you, why not buy a handmade hair accessory from the USA!! Thanks for including my hairband in your blog.

  3. Thanks SO much for including my clips!

  4. I'm SO sending the snopes article to my husband! He's going to laugh sooo hard!

  5. Wow! That's crazy! Thanks for sharing this, and thanks for sharing my every day of the week clips!

  6. Wow... (leaves to go check hair ties)!


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