Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sock Monkeys on a Tandem Bicycle Wedding Cake Topper

When I got an order for a wedding cake topper with a bride and groom riding a tandem bike, I knew I had a fun challenge ahead.  Making the bike was challenge number one.  It took three tries, but I finally did it. 

The next problem was balancing the monkeys on the bike, and getting the bike to stand securely on its own.  I finally decided to use wires covered by "grass" supporting two of the bike pedals. 

The end result was worth all of the work, and getting it to its destination required lots and lots of bubble wrap, plus double boxing.

Thanks for riding by!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)


  1. What a wonderful job! Yes, I think I would find this project too daunting, but they look great ;)

  2. They are too cute! I love the did an amazing job:)


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