Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Perfect Morning Walk

Yesterday was a perfect day here on the wetlands of NW Iowa.  I took Gabriel out for a stroll, and we were greeted by a little painted turtle in our driveway.  That was perfect because I ran in and got my camera.  Now I can take you on our walk too!

The deep spring air was mildly damp and humid.  It had rained the day before, and the moistness caused the scent of honeysuckle and alyssum flowers to linger in the air, making me feel as giddy as if I had drunk sweet wine.

A fanatical bird was perched on the Quail Hollow street sign squawking at us as if we had invaded it's territory.  

We headed down the nature trail and a light wind gave me shivers.  Not because it was cold, it was pleasantly warm, and the delicate breeze felt like feathers caressing my bare arms.

I was delighted to see the Boysenberries are ripening!

Gabriel fell asleep on the way home.  I got a shot of our street...

and more turtles!


  1. What a lovely, peaceful walk. THANK YOU for inviting us along with you!

  2. I love your pictures! Thanks for the walk :oD

  3. What a great morning adventure...even if lil one did miss a bit of it..LOL!!!


  4. Thank you for your kind comments! I love to share the beautiful wildlife in my area, so watch for more to come. The frogs are about to hatch!


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