Monday, June 28, 2010

Gabriel Gets Some Berries

Wow, there sure are a lot of Mulberries on that tree!

Mama and Daddy say I can't eat the ones that are on the ground.

They sure are fun to stomp on though!

What do you mean I've had enough mulberries?  
I was just getting started.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mini Sock Monkey Wedding Cake Toppers

My cupcake sized sock monkey wedding cake toppers are one of my best sellers.  They are just 2 inches tall, and they can also be used as a holiday ornament after the cake has been eaten.
Here are a few I've done lately.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Perfect Morning Walk

Yesterday was a perfect day here on the wetlands of NW Iowa.  I took Gabriel out for a stroll, and we were greeted by a little painted turtle in our driveway.  That was perfect because I ran in and got my camera.  Now I can take you on our walk too!

The deep spring air was mildly damp and humid.  It had rained the day before, and the moistness caused the scent of honeysuckle and alyssum flowers to linger in the air, making me feel as giddy as if I had drunk sweet wine.

A fanatical bird was perched on the Quail Hollow street sign squawking at us as if we had invaded it's territory.  

We headed down the nature trail and a light wind gave me shivers.  Not because it was cold, it was pleasantly warm, and the delicate breeze felt like feathers caressing my bare arms.

I was delighted to see the Boysenberries are ripening!

Gabriel fell asleep on the way home.  I got a shot of our street...

and more turtles!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sock Monkey Wedding Cake Toppers

I've been making lots of custom sock monkey wedding cake toppers lately.
The sitting style has been popular.

I'm giving all of them heart shaped tails now.

I just love the idea that these are making people smile at weddings all over the US, Canada, and even a few in Europe!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Robin and Gabriel

We recently had a nest of robins right under our top deck, above our walk out basement, and right above my studio window.  We loved that we could peek through the boards and see the eggs!  

We watched as they hatched and became tiny chirping balls of fuzz.  We watched the parents bring them lots of yummy insects and worms.  We watched as they got bigger and perched on the side of the nest looking down at the world around them.  And we were lucky enough to be home when they were learning how to fly.  

 One of the babies perched on our patio swing and wasn't bothered a bit by us coming out for a closer look.

Gabriel was enchanted with this cute little chirping creature.

He wanted to give it a ride on the swing.

Mama Robin was waiting nearby with a yummy snack for her brave little baby.