Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween, Masquerade Concert and a 1st Birthday

My daughter has taken up violin this year, and her very first concert was Oct 29th.  It was a Masquerade concert, so they got to dress up.  She is dressed as the Twilight vampire, Alice Cullen, of course!

Then there was Halloween.  I was not successful in getting a picture of the whole family dressed up together.  Josiah dressed early and went trick or treating with a friend, Baby G dressed after that, and fell asleep before Daddy put on his hula attire, so at least I get shots of everyone, not together!

Here is Josiah dressed as Alice Cullen when she first met Bella. I upcycled the dress from an unused wedding dress that has been hanging in my closet for years.  She has everything down to the shoes (I don't think Alice was carrying a pumpkin bag though). She is with her best friend Maddie and Maddie went as a rock star but she wasn't finished dressing yet.

Here's my little chic, Baby G!

And here I am wearing skeleton tights and gloves.  I had a puffy little skirt which I sewed scary little clay faces to and they were my collection of "lost souls".  Brett dug around in his mother's costume box five minutes before we went to the party and this is what he came up with.

On November 2nd, my baby turned 1 year old!


  1. your little chick is so adorable :D

    love the collection of souls!

  2. Hi. Your little one is so cute. Reminds me my little nephew. He is one and half year old now. He had beautiful tiger costume for Halloween and enjoyed it so much like yours. I'm little bit sad that Halloween is over but I'm happy that our whole family was together during this holiday. It was great time.

    Good luck,

  3. Haha, looks like the whole family had fun!


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