Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Good Mail Day!

I love a good mail day. A day when I get something other than bills and junk mail, something like a box filled with fabulous goodies, and my very favorite magazine in the world! (checks are nice too) Yesterday was one of those days, here's why...

I got a fun filled box from Zan who writes the Wild at Heart Art blog!  I ordered Annie the lavender filled Voodoo Pin cushion from Zan, but Annie did not come alone!  Annie brought  Teddy Witch, another pin cushion, both came with poems and pin bouquets, so cute!  

And that's not all, my box smelled delicious when I opened it, because there was a little gift bag full of yummy smelling candle tarts!  I put them in the bathroom, and this morning my hubby said "The bathroom smells good, what did you do in there?"  Haha! (well, I didn't clean it if that's what he was wondering, lol)

And the other goodie in my mailbox...


Art Doll Quarterly, hurray!!!  I love to see which of my ADO team members made it in, and this month I saw some great puppets from Sheri DeBow inside! 


  1. I agree. Sometimes when things get hectic with the two kids I forget that I ordered something--and what a great surprise!
    One day I picked up a random magazine at the store and noticed an article about an etsy seller that I knew...that is fun.

  2. Wooohooo! Well, Waxela, if'n I got your bathroom to smell good, then I did my job! :)

    Glad you are enjoying the little treats and again, thank you for Boo-Boo Monster! Apparently, we are good at finding monsters homes! ;)

  3. love those voodoo dolls - awesome! snail mail rocks :D

  4. How fun! I always like getting surprised with extra goodies. How sweet of the one who did that for you! BTW ~ Love your Etsy store and your cute items!


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