Sunday, October 25, 2009

Viva La Vida

was amazing!  I got there yesterday at 11am to set up, and I got home at midnight, so it was a very long but fun filled day!

There were people dressed up as Muertos everywhere, and there was a wonderful parade in the evening, live music all day, and an amazingly lively crowd all day long. Here are some pictures of just a few memorable scenes and characters:

(look at her Chihuahua wearing a skull and crossbones!)


I love this one, her dog has Frida eyebrows!



I wish I had been able to get some shots of the parade, but my booth was so full of people I couldn't get to the front for pictures! (this is a good problem ;-) ) This is a shot after the parade as the crowd was dispersing.

And now a special treat to show off.  I've been keeping this under cover until now so I could include pictures in this post.

I was the very fortunate winner of a Dia de los Muertos altar box made by Esther Verschoor from Heemskerk in the Netherlands!

(my little trolls were showing it off at the festival)


The inside of the box is filled with sugar skulls, flowers, fruits, and even a tiny cake for the muertos to feast on!

The entire box is beautifully painted on every side.

This box is wonderful, a true work of art, thank you so much Essie, for making it with such attention to detail and for sending it all this way! The crowd at the Festival loved it too.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Viva La Vida Fest Tomorrow in Austin, TX

I'll be an art vendor tomorrow, Saturday October 24th at Mexic-Arte Viva La Vida Fest!

Mexic-Arte Museum
Viva la Vida Fest 2009
26th Annual
Día de los Muertos

Saturday, October 24, 2009
2:00-10:00 PM
5th Street, Austin, TX
(between Congress & Brazos)
FREE Admission

Grand Procession
6:00-7:00 PM
(gathers at Plaza Saltillo at 5 PM)

I hope you will come and join the fun!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh I had a Little Chicken, and we did the Monster Mash!

Today was a good day to try out Baby G's Halloween costume.

At least I thought so, Baby G may have had other ideas. 
Hehehe, isn't he a cute little chicken?

It just makes me want to sing...
"Oh I had a little chicken
and he wouldn't lay an egg..."
You know the tune right?
Except it's really not appropriate here.

But we CAN sing
The Monster Mash!
And we can dance to it too...
Here is my family doing the monster mash...

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

My daughter is the narrator, My hubby is Frankenstein, I'm Frankenstein's Bride, Baby G is the vampire, and my mom is the werewolf!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

A Good Mail Day!

I love a good mail day. A day when I get something other than bills and junk mail, something like a box filled with fabulous goodies, and my very favorite magazine in the world! (checks are nice too) Yesterday was one of those days, here's why...

I got a fun filled box from Zan who writes the Wild at Heart Art blog!  I ordered Annie the lavender filled Voodoo Pin cushion from Zan, but Annie did not come alone!  Annie brought  Teddy Witch, another pin cushion, both came with poems and pin bouquets, so cute!  

And that's not all, my box smelled delicious when I opened it, because there was a little gift bag full of yummy smelling candle tarts!  I put them in the bathroom, and this morning my hubby said "The bathroom smells good, what did you do in there?"  Haha! (well, I didn't clean it if that's what he was wondering, lol)

And the other goodie in my mailbox...


Art Doll Quarterly, hurray!!!  I love to see which of my ADO team members made it in, and this month I saw some great puppets from Sheri DeBow inside! 

Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Magic Mushroom Tale

Just in time for Halloween,
A magic mushroom has appeared.

And on the mushroom can be seen
Fae and creatures strange, and weird!

What’s this? you ask...
an eye? some hair?

A little troll was under there!

Another troll? You guess out loud.

He caught a frog, he looks so proud!

 A nice big frog has hopped on in...

Oh wait, watch out, this frog eats MEN!

Something new has just stopped by...

What's he see? He looks surprised!

A creepy cat, a witch's brew?

Did someone evil cook this stew?

Evil? No, please have no fear...

These silly elves are the pranksters here.

And now too soon, you must move on, this party goes from night 'till dawn...
Vanessa Valencia at A Fanciful Twist hosts a ghoul, ghost, and goblin trist.

Early, late, or in between, so many blog parties wait to be seen! 

Now go have fun this party night, and when you return, 

I'll peek in


to say Goodnight!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sneak Peek! Sneek Peek!

Ok, here's the deal. I made a monster for Zan's Incredible Monster Swap, but I'm not allowed to show him before the official MONSTER PARADE sometime around NOV 4th . I already sent him to his new home, so all I have are some pictures which are BEGGING to be seen. So here is my compromise. I will give a little sneak peek. No harm in a peek, right??? (sorry Zan!)

Friday, October 9, 2009

PCAGOE Challenge Winners

Thanks so much to all who voted in the October Polymer Clay Artisans Guild of Etsy challenge!

I was fortunate to get 2nd place in the challenge. That is an honor, considering all of the beautiful entries. Members were asked to interpret one of their favorite works of art or to take inspiration from the colors or style of their favorite artist.

The winners of the October challenge are:

First place goes to Studioschiek for her stunning "Lady In Waiting" framed polymer clay sculpture inspired by Gustav Klimt. This entry was the overwhelming favorite of the voters, garnering more than 50% of the total votes.

Second place goes to Spiritmama for her beautiful pendant, a faithful rendition of Edvard Munch's "The Scream".

Third place goes to NKDesigns for her beautiful Yellow Calla Lilies image transfer pendant and gemstone necklace, inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe's series of Calla Lily paintings.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lucky Me!

I've had some fun lucky stuff happen the last couple of days!

First, I won a giveaway at Funky Chunks Handmade Soaps! They will be sending me a "three Chunk gift box of Funky Chunks soaps!"

The soaps are:

Spiced Wassail - A delectable scent combination of apples, oranges, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon.

Prince Albert - An old fashioned blend of clove buds, cinnamon stick, crisp pine needles. Blended with sweet orange and rich smooth pipe tobacco.

Pumpkin Spice - A delicious blend of clove and nutmeg with pumpkin and sweet vanilla.


Next, I have a sock monkey wedding cake topper featured on DZ Fantasy blog!

And I have a sock monkey birthday cake topper featured at Candy Dish Blog. What a treat!

Thank you to all of my benefactors, I am honored and feeling bubbly inside!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Passion Flower

Look what snuck into our yard, right over the neighbor's fence...

It's a Passion Flower. Isn't it just amazing? I've never seen a more beautiful and interesting flower. I'm so glad it decided to pay us a visit!