Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wedding Cake Topper Contest...I Need Your Vote!

Guess what? I got a convo from Etsy admin today saying my sock monkey wedding cake topper has been featured in the "Vote for the best Wedding cake toppers! Get out the vote!" on Etsy Voter.

Etsy Voter is a special voting page of Etsy, and I'm so excited to be featured. I didn't even know I had been nominated, and apparently there are lots of nominees, so I feel very honored.

This is the cake topper that is nominated:

If you would like to vote, you have until Monday, June 8th place your vote here:

click on "go vote"

I'm nowhere near the lead at this point, so I need all the help I can get!!!

Thank you!


  1. I voted tonight. At that time you had 32 votes. Good Luck!

  2. Hey Waxela, I voted. You've got 46 as of now :)

  3. and another vote goes to ... YOU!

    Wishing you best of luck. :)

  4. I voted for you, best wishes in winning--you're at 81! ☺


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