Monday, February 16, 2009

Shakespeare Challenge- ADO

My Art Doll Team ADO is having a Shakespeare themed challenge. The rules: make an art doll of any Shakespeare character. That's pretty open, so I knew I had to do a non-human from Midsummer Night's Dream. Puck was the obvious choice.

Here is what Wikipedia says about Puck:

Puck is a clever and mischievous elf and personifies the trickster or the wise knave. In the play, Shakespeare introduces Puck as the "shrewd and knavish sprite" and "that merry wanderer of the night" and jester to Oberon, the fairy king.

Sometimes Puck is seen as a Satyr, and that is the Puck I am sculpting. I've always wanted to do a Satyr!

Here are some work in progress pics:

Head before eyelids:

Fully sculpted head:

Painted head:

Check back for updates, I'm working on the armature now!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You've got such a good eye for detail! I'm hoping I can get to that level!


  3. Your work is awesome...
    I wondered where you get your supply of eyeballs?
    The ones i use are almost flat with a slight bevel...
    Just wondered

  4. I make my own eyes, and I wrote a tutorial on how to do it yourself in January:

  5. wow! your Puck is ALIVE already! thanks for showing the in progress shots. :)

  6. he is looking so good and mischievous!

  7. SpiritMama...Puck is coming along just as I have invisioned him. You are such a talented art doll artist and I'm so glad that you are part of ADO!
    Great job and such an inspiration!
    Cheers my friend!


SpiritMama loves to hear what you have to say.