Thursday, January 29, 2009


by Waxela (wa-shay-la) Sananda aka SpiritMama

We love them, we desire them, we must have them.
There is something about the sole of a shoe that completes the soul of the character we portray. And so it is with our dolls, the shoes are the final touch that completes the personality, bringing a doll one step closer to life

I have had a fascination with shoes for a very long time. I used to sculpt tiny shoes out of polymer clay, before I made art dolls with tiny feet to place them on. Here are a few miniature shoes I made when I was 10 years old:

When making shoes for an art doll there are many things to consider…

Fairy shoes…


And sometimes it's best just to go with some warm, cozy socks...

However we choose to sole our dolls, they have an amazing ability to walk you through fantasy worlds, fairy realms, ancient times, unknown lands, sorrow, joy, fear, and silliness. If you'll just take a moment to walk in their shoes.

"Alice" by Sleetwealth


  1. I love the shoes, that is the only thing I've been starting to make out of clay for my dolls, thanks for the inspiration!

  2. your nine year old self created some very impressive and inspired footware!

    and thanks for the links to all that shoe-goodness. :)

  3. Interesting post. I had never given that much thought before, but it's true. Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway.

  4. wow that is really amazing. and at 10 years old you already do wonderful and intricate art.

  5. Those Green Fairy shoes are so awesome I totally love them. All the dolls are amazing!!


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