Friday, January 2, 2009

My ThisNext Recommendations

SpiritMama's recommendations at ThisNext

I just joined ThisNext, a site for posting recommendations for everything you think is hot, trendy, sexy, fantastic, or whatever your own criteria may be for "great".

I love to promote fellow artisans, so I've been having a blast recomending some of my favorite artists and their work. You get to recommend one of your own pieces for every three recommendations for someone else, so you get some personal exposure too.

If you see anything you think is inspiring, you can follow the link and learn more about it.

It's all in the spirit of fun, exposure, and sharing great ideas and work. Enjoy!


  1. Looks like fun stuff!
    Have a great weekend!

    Sylvia C.

  2. Cool site - gonna have to check it out...sounds a bit like Wists (which I keep forgetting about)

  3. If you join we can recommend eachother's products, and they have a contest going to feature a handmade artist on their front page and buy $500 of product from the winner!

  4. I just signed up - trying to find some how-tos...seems fun - got your sock monkey topper recommended...hoping I did it right

  5. Someone convo'd me about the sock monkey today, she just joined etsy today too, so it may be ThisNext traffic, thanks TiLt!

  6. Ooooo, and other goodie!

    Thanks for the heads to check it out.

    Beautiful baby BTW, but I am certain you already knew that!



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