Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Portrait Gone Awry

We went for a family portrait on Saturday. Gabriel was not in the mood to pose. Josiah was fussing with Gabriel and we told her to just keep looking at the camera and smile. That made her mad so she refused to smile and then left the photo. So here is what we end up with:

These were taken by my mom on the side line. I'm sure the photographer, Jay got at least one good one!?

Here are some shots from the weekend. I love this one. Josiah took it. I don't even mind that my head is cut off because it is the first picture I have with Gabriel where I don't look pale and pasty. I'm wearing G in my new Zolo sling.

Look at this proud (and handsome) daddy!

And my beautiful, not so little girl:


  1. Gorgeous Family! Congrats to the new couple! Hope you have a wonderful Turkey day!

  2. Great pics! The squiggly baby pics are the best! More true to reality :) Big sis looks proud too :)

  3. Because your blog rocks and so do you, I have bestowed you with the coveted Marie Antoinette award! the rules of the game are posted at mealy land

  4. My two sons look similar age differences as your children. The older is a sophomore in college and the younger miracle child is in 1st grade. He was a premie by 7 weeks and came home at 3 lbs. I was over 40 years old when I had him and boy do I remember the tired days. I look at photos and see a walking zombie. I had HELLP syndrome. This is my first time to your blog and Flickr. I wish you the best in your business and family life.


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