Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Gabriel Has Arrived!

Gabriel Alexander Morris was born on 11/2/08 at 7:05pm
Weighing 9 pounds and 21 inches long.

He was born at home in our piano room in a birthing pool. This picture was taken less than a minute after his birth. My husband, Brett was in the pool with me the whole time.

The labor was about 5 hours long, and we all came out great! This picture is his first with big sister, Josiah, taken about an hour after the birth. She is a wonderful helper!

He is wonderful and we are so blessed to have him.

:- )


  1. He's a handsome little guy, congratulations!

  2. Such a beautiful boy! Congratulations!

  3. Awe how precious! Congratulations! Enjoy this time as a family it is so precious. Big sister looks like she will be a great help.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous baby!and WOW giving birth at home! That is awesome!

  5. OH - so precious *wipes tears of happiness for you*
    Glad to hear all went well :)

  6. Congratulations on your little Angel Gabriel - he is so precious. I want one! but guess I will have to wait for my daughter to have a baby.

  7. Momma Moriss,

    Your children are beautiful and very obvisouly loved and respected greatly!

    I LOVE the way that you 3 had your new one, would have done that myself back when my first was born in 1979! I did have completely natural childbirth and was a unique experience for the Navy hospital when I insisted that he stay in my room with me 24/7 and started breastfeeding right away. They made us have our own room!

    In 1987 when my 2nd came along, it was with a Mid-Wife. Times had come a very long way in 8 years.

    I have an almost simular photo of my first holding his little sister. Just the opposite gender order as you.

    So, how many more to follow? Oh, to be young again.

    God Bless all of you. I am deeply touched at the extent of your sharing your son's early birth photography.

  8. Happy Birthday, Gabriel!!:)

    What a beautiful boy and name. I cannot get over how big he is--he looks like a little man he is so precious.
    I guess the acupuncture worked!

    Congratulations to you and your family.

  9. oh SpiritMama WOW! He is beautiful -
    Happy, Happy Family!!

  10. He is beautiful! Congratulations!


  11. Thank you for all of the beautiful comments!

  12. Congratulations! Beautiful baby boy, and very healthy looking. Glad everything went well for you.

  13. Amazing! Congratulations to you and your family!

  14. Congratulations! He is so cute. I love his name, (I have a Gabriel too)

    hope you are getting some sleep and enjoying that little cutie.

  15. Congratulations!! What a beautiful boy and birth. Glad he finally decided to arrive. :)

  16. He is awesome....congrats spiritmama....kevin from boji


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