Friday, October 17, 2008

Fab Witch Art

In honor of the nearness of Halloween, I will share my favorite witchy art with you today!

Here is one I did:

Isaura the Spell Casting Witch Concocts Her Best Brew

She is a mixed media art doll in a shadowbox, and you can read all about her here:

Look at this one, called "The Owlchemist" from Leilalou's shop on etsy:

Here's a cutie Folk Art Witch by FunkyFolky:

and finally one of my favorite polymer sculptors, MealyMonster, brings us Molly and the Zombie Baby:


  1. Love that witch you created! But I think I'm going to have nightmares from that last one... ;) Which I guess is what the artist was going for... LOL.

  2. what great Halloweeny finds! Lovin' the witches.

  3. awww!! thanks so much for posting Molly. I am going to add a link from my blog to yours!

  4. I am honored to have my witch among your wonderful art and others' great work. I am SO FLATTERED, but now my witch has the "big head" and she is even harder to put up with!

    Renee :)

  5. Thanks everyone!
    Renee, you better sell her fast!

  6. Hey Cutie! I love am loving your creations witch in the shadow box! I just love Halloween themed art! youa re looking fabulous by the way!



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