Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Carnival

I just joined the Etsy Blogger Street Team, and each month they have a "Blog Carnival" in which the members blog about a specific topic. This month the carnival topic asks "What is your favorite color and show it in your work".

No problem! My favorite color is purple! I have had an ongoing love affair with purple for ages, and I just can't get enough. My entry is painted purple, I wear purple clothes, I have purple curtains...

So here are some of my special purple artistic creations.

This is my latest, "Goddess of Compassion" Doll. She is wearing a lavender dress. Lavender is one of my favorite shades of purple (actually it's a tint, I heard all you art school teachers correcting me). She is in my SpiritMama etsy shop.

And here is a little tooth fairy (or doll house) pot with purple and lots of sparkle:

It is available in my SpiritMama etsy shop.


SpiritMama loves to hear what you have to say.