Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sophia Art Doll

I just finished Sophia, a new one of a kind art doll.  All of her clothing is vintage and antique fabric.  Her head, bust, arms, and boots are sculpted.

Sophia is free standing.  Her body had a wire and fabric armature.

I found an antique powder puff cover at an estate sale recently and I used pieces of it for her jacket, and there were flowers on top which I put in her hair and one on the front of her jacket.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best Job

The best job I can think of is one that I get to design for myself using my best talents.
This job would be fun, inspiring, creative, lucrative... oh, and I would also get to work at home on my own hours, and be my own boss.

Well guess what, that IS my job.  I feel very blessed.  
Here is a bit of my work week in pictures:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Twin Monkeys First Birthday Cake Topper

The "Cute Factor" was bumped up in my studio this week when I received an order to make a twin monkey birthday cake topper for two cute little guys who will be turning 1 this month.

This is a new face style for me because they were to look just like the monkeys on the party invite.

I can't show you the invite because it has their names and address, but I think I did a pretty good job, and I was smiling all week as I worked on them.

I like them so much that I will be adding a "twin birthday monkey cake topper" listing in this style to my Etsy shop soon.

Thanks for stopping by!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)