Saturday, July 31, 2010

Little Prince First Birthday Cake Topper

The Little Prince is a well known children's book which was originally written in French.
I read it with my daughter when she was about 8.  

I'll admit we really didn't understand what was going on a lot of the time. 

But I still enjoyed the book, and I recently saw some Lil' Prince party supplies for first birthday boys.

I just had to make a little prince cake topper to match!

I love making my sock monkey cake toppers, but this was a real treat, and clothing are always fun too.
You will find him in my shop:
Little Prince Here!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Frida Kahlo Sock Monkey Art Doll

In honor of Frida Kahlo's birthday ADO team had a Frida art doll challenge this month.  
In keeping with my sock monkey theme (and because I had an extra monkey sitting in my studio) I made a Frida Kahlo sock monkey art doll.

Yes, I know it's off the wall, but isn't everything about Frida that way?  Somehow it fits.

Frida Monkey is holding a little bird, symbolic of her free spirit.

Frida Monkey is one of a kind, and she is for sale HERE  in my Etsy shop.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Alice in Wonderland ADO Blog Event

I tumbled down the rabbit hole with Alice...

She was more than a little confused when she came to the end...
or was it the beginning?

The White Rabbit with the stop watch seemed to know something,
but he was hard to catch up with.

Finally Alice caught his attention.
"Excuse me, sir, but could you tell me where I am?" she inquired.

"Well, wouldn't we all like to know the answer to that" he sputtered.
"Lean in closer, I'll tell you a secret..."

And just like that, he whispered something into Alice's ear, then he hopped away.

What was the secret?  
Well, I couldn't quite hear, but it might have been that this is ADO Team's
You can hop along to all of the participating doll artist's blogs and see what each artist has made.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sock Monkey Wedding Cake Topper Update

I've had some really fun sock monkey wedding cake topper orders lately, including a groom monkey in a tux vest (above), and some toppers with really elaborate flowers (below).  The sock monkey fun never stops around here!

Thanks for visiting!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)