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Sunday, January 24, 2010

OWOH Giveaway 2010 *Winner!

I just used Random Number Generator to choose a winner, and the winner of Alistair is...
Malisa from Moonlight Hollow!

Congrats Malisa, and thank you so much to all who entered!  I'll have a giveaway for my followers very soon.

OWOH is here, hurray! 
It's the beloved Lisa Swifka's 4th annual One World One Heart Giveaway,  
The theme of this year's event is the "Magic Carpet Ride", and I feel like I've been on an out of control carpet lately!

 This year OWOH has landed on one of the busiest times of my life. I am planing for a move, prepping my house to be put on the market, furiously packing boxes, driving 1000 miles with my hubby to look at houses and then turning around and driving back two days later.  (I happen to be stuck 2 hours south of my destination due to a snowstorm as I'm writing this!)

My polymer clay sock monkey cake toppers have hit an all time high in sales, keeping me very busy in the studio...
    and the ADO (art dolls only) Team's 2010 Traveling Doll Project has just begun 

(pictured is "Sarah" speaking with some cake topper monkeys.  Sarah belongs to Colleen Downs of LoopyBoopy, and she was Colleen's 2009 traveling doll)

Whew, if that's not enough, I'm weaning my sweet little 15 month old Baby G, which is emotionally challenging for us both.  Fortunately he is a big lover of food,  I've never seen anyone his size eat more than he does!

I had such a wonderful time visiting blogs last year during OWOH, I think I visited 1000!
This year I hope to visit at least several hundred.  I'll visit yours if you visit mine, wink wink!

I am ready for some serious R & R.  I'm not sure when that will happen, but let's pretend...

Breathe in.....

Breathe out....

Breathe in...

Breathe out...
Ahhh, that's better.

And now for my giveaway!

This is Alistair Iriekins.  
He is plush, and upcycled from a box of fabric an trims that was given to me last year.
I made a challenge for myself to use only the materials in the box to create his body and hair.  I added a bit of wire to his feelers and some fiberfill to stuff him.
He is 16" tall seated (not including his legs) and he is for decorative purposes, not for children to play with.

Alistair is full of love, and ready to be someone's new pal! 
For your chance to win him, just leave me a comment on this blog post before midnight on Feb 14th, and I will choose a winner on February 15th!
(be sure to leave an email address or a way for me to find you if you are the winner)
If you choose to follow my blog, thank you!  I will be happy to follow your blog too.  I will also be having a blog giveaway later in February specifically for my followers.

Thank you Lisa for hosting this fabulous event!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama


1 – 200 of 232   Newer›   Newest»
MLBetterly said...

So cute! Wow, you are a very busy chica right now! I hope you can find some time to grab a cup of something hot and just relax. I'm exhausted just reading about it! lol. Please throw my name into the hat!

Sandy said...

Oh wow your is outstanding. Absolutely gorgeous. Love them.

Please throw my name in the hat. Thanks.

Stitchety Grub said...

He is so quirky please put my name in you draw and do come see my blog and giveaway!
Britt in Western Australia

Saskia said...

'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...

Oooh...Alistair is just gorgeous!!! So unique! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)

*feel free to visit my blog...Maybe Alistair can be a friend of my 'Poekie'*

Larissa said...

He is so cute! And I really love those sock monkeys.

Chris in Oz said...

How 'KEWL'!!! Please count me in. I hope you can drop by my blog for a visit too. Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!


Hope said...

I adore him1 How sweet and what a great challenge to yourself! thanks for your generous offering!

jasmoonbutterfly said...

hee hee please count me in x

CindySowers said...

So funny! Count me in!

nancy said...

so glad we found each other

Donna said...

He is adorable! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

These are all fabulous. Thank you so much for the chace to win.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What an adorable little darling. I don't envy all that is going on in your life right now, but it looks like you can handle it.

Jingle said...

Alistair is nothing short of fabulous! I love that he is made up of upcycled fabric bits! That makes him extra wonderful! Your sock monkeys are fantastic!!!

Unknown said...

What a clever mummy you are... your baby has a magical mummy x

OWOH #82

Healing Woman said...

I'm definitely in! I am subscribing to your blog right it and hope to win.
I am

LoopyBoopy said...

Girl your life is insane!! Be safe in your travels and yes breath in..breath out!! Alstair is adorable and I'm quite sure he would be very happy here in New Orleans with me:) Thanks Waxela

Unknown said...

you are one busy spirtimama!
would LOVE to win!!
:) Nicole

Anonymous said...

very cute -please enter me into the giveaway!
feel free to fly by my blog here and i hope you enjoy the rest of your one world one heart experience :)

laterg8r said...

he is awesome, would love to display him in my creative space :D

i've been following you for awhile.

looooove the sock monkeys :D

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello, happy to find you here my Twitter friend!!! Please feel free to come and take a trip on my Magic Carpet with me:

Sincerely, Theresa

magikalseasons said...

Wishing you good luck with your move! Your work is wonderful please throw my name in the magic hat! :) Becca

Micki said...

Such a funny and adorable doll...Please enter me and so glad that we met through OWOH.

Kaerie Faerie said...

Hi Wax
your monkeys and children are so cute, I just love your artwork, so glad we are blog friends, please sign me up for your give away! Good Luck with your move, I moved after a hurricane, so I understand truly! take lots of deep breaths
your fairy friend
Kaerie Faerie

Anonymous said...

Alistair needs to come to my house--lol!! Wishing you well :)

K said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too!

Debby said...

Oh my gosh, Alistar is simply amazing. I love, love him. Hope you find time to slow down a bit in the near future. Never fun getting ready for a move, but once it is over you will have many fun and happy time in your new home.
Please add my name for your awesome drawing.

GraceBeading said...

Alistair looks to have quite the personality! I'd love the chance to give him a new happy home.

Stop by and visit my blog when you get a chance, I'm offering up a tiny beaded doll this year.

Sue said...

Well talk about a character! Alaistair has personality plus! LOVE him! Would love to win him....keeping my fingers crossed!


carylsrealm said...

He's fabulous! I'd love to have my name included!

Kris said...

Alistair is very handsome! :)
I'd love to have him in my home. Please count me in.

DellaRae said...

He is so whacky crazy....I would love to have him...He would have a place of honor in my home!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I would love to have Alistair come live with me!

I'm participating for the first time this year, so please stop by.

DVArtist said...

So nice and I love your blog too. Please visit mine as well.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

I'd love to win one of your lovely creations :-) So please include me in your drawing! I am already a follower of your blog!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

Wienermaedl said...

Super schöner blog und das giveaway
ist dir besonders gut gelungen.

Liebe Grüße aus Wien


Tamara Dozier said...

I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well.

CreativSpirit said...

He is such a cutie and I'm sure that he would love to come and live with me.

I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop by and enter in my draw too.

Enjoy the ride.

HippieDog said...

oh good grief Spirit Mama.....he's Wonderful!! Please enter me in your Fabulous Giveaway!!

jacque4u2c said...

Just AMAZING! You are so talented! With a 15 month old I do not see how you have the time to come up with these gorgeous creations!

Snap said...

Alistair is wonderful -- so quirky and cute. I love softies and promise I'd give him a wonderful, fun home! (You are one busy lady ...thanks for taking the time to party with us!) Thank you! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Excellent artistry! Please include me and join me too!

I tried to follow your blog but Google Friend Connect was acting up.

Digital Misfit said...

Oh Waxela! I want to hug lil Alistair! He NEEDS to come live with me!
Congrats on your wildly successful sock monkey cake toppers. LOVE them!
Thank you for hopping aboard the magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit me on your tour (blog #258)
hugs from ON,Canada
Heidi aka DigitalMisfit! :D

Pixiewinkle said...

What a guy!

It will all get done (I had a similar schedule last summer)!

Kudos on all your work and come stop by my neck of the woods #276 on the magic carpet ride.

AK said...

Absolutely amazing!!!!!! I had a stuffed animal when I was little named "Ouf" that was a mixture of like 6 stuffed animals lol Yours reminds me so much of little Ouf lol ;) Happy Monday!

danit said...

I love Alistair!

Michaele Sommerville said...

What a *charmer* Alistair seems to be! :)

Hope you can drop by my blog as well where I'm giving away paper banners/bunting:


Renee said...

Your children are beautiful.

I would love the opportunity to win this giveaway.

Renee xoxo

Sprite said...

Oh I want to be his pal please enter me!! I'm so glad to see you found time to enter :) I'm participating too # 266! Stop by when you get a chance :)

Big hugs,

Sadie said...

Beautiful children! (And I don't say that to other people often haha.)

I'm busy, too. I'd love for you to check out my blog. I think we might have a lot in common!

Great giveaway! Count me in. :)

You can visit me (I'm #252 on the list) at

I am giving away a set of hand-made soaps as well as a custom tutu! Hope to see you there, good luck!

Christine said...

Sounds like you could use a magic carpet ride yourself~hope you get through this stressful time quickly and that everything gets resolved.
Your doll is charming~he has loads of character! Please include me in your drawing:)

Wishing you a great week ahead~

Bella Modiste said...

How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Alaistair is wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win! It's nice to meet you and don’t forget to come visit me too. I’m #391 on OWOH.
Thanks! Monica

Tina Leavy said...

what a fun giveaway! thanks for the opportunity. I too am hostessing a giveaway I hope you'll stop by. So nice to meet you.

martha brown said...

Alistair is very cute! Please enter my name-- thanks so much!

Holly said...

Awesome! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Eva said...

You're one of those people who never slows down :D He's really adorable! You did a great job with limited supplies.

Lady Artisan

Shel said...

Great whimsical art.

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous OWOH Giveaway!
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

Denise said...

Very creative. and your monkeys are adorable! So much fun to visit everyone participating.

Unknown said...

What a fun piece of work Please enter me in your giveaway!

Malisa said...

I think Alistair needs to come live with me! :) I signed up to follow your blog...hope you will do the same. What a wonderful blog! Please sign me up for your marvelous drawing and then come visit me...I am participating in OWOH too...number 333 on the Magic Carpet! I am off to read more on your blog and I am looking forward to it!

Baroness Bijoutery said...

Well for some reason I got an error message when I tried to leave a comment..will try again...
How could anyone not love that face...please enter me..When you get a chance hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway...


Splendid Little Stars said...

What fabulous creations you have made! Alistair is wonderful! If he were to come live with me, I would be very kind to him and give him lots of attention and treats!

I am participating in OWOH, too--#433! Come see:

FlightFancy said...

you are one busy crafty mama! Take it easy on yourself, and breathe :) Blessing on the move!
Theresa....oh and Alistair is adorable!

Anonymous said...

love him to bits ...count me in

Artseyanne said...

Lovely, please include me in your draw & visit me at #60.

Just Jenn Designz said...

Oh wow, Alistair is just sooo precious! I would love to be entered into your drawing.

Please stop by and enter your name into my giveaway - #548. Thanks,

baukje said...

Wonderful work!
My present is here

Wanda Maria said...

Such an awesome giveaway! Please count me in. Also, please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway when you get a moment; I'm #56.

Trish said...

Alistair is very dashing. I'd love to give him a place of honor in my office! Your work is amazing and I'm so glad I've found you again. I had you bookmarked previously and my computer crashed... :(

Unknown said...

Your leaving Austin? oh my. I will miss ya..


Angie Hall Haviland said...

What a CREATIVE piece he is!! I enjoyed reading your posting. Hope all goes well for your family with your move. Your ART is FABULOUS!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

Anonymous said...

what a fun guy to give away he's perfect.
I had fun exploring your blog It sounds like your in need for a vacation. I love Alexander the Nice guy monster you made for the monster parade swape . hes so cool.
I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h

Sherry said...

Great blog, great giveaway - Alistair looks like quite a character. I'm now following your blog. Thanks for the chance of winning. Hope you can pop over to my blog too

Sherry from England, UK

altermyworld said...

A Wonderful gift, thank you pls stop by mine

PS Your babies are so cute!

Martina said...

Stunning artwork, Waxela!
I`m happy to have a chance of winning you wonderful giveaway.
Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
Thanks and best wishes
MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

sewfunky said...

Your sock monkey cake toppers are amazing...

Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

Susan said...

Love your blog,and you certainly are busy!! Best of luck with the move and the weaning!

I am now a follower. :)

Love your sock monkey cake toppers.

You do not need to put me in the drawing.I just wanted to say hello!

Greetings from the Jersey Shore!

Sarah said...

Alistair is a lovely creature and so lucky to have been liberated from that box of fabric! Well done for juggling so many different things at once-hope you get them all done!

Kathy said...

I love Alistair...he fun, funky and well ooak for sure. Your cake toppers are amazing as well. I'm now following your blog and added your etsy shop as a fav.

Best of luck on your move.

Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

Creative Minds said...

I love love love those monkeys!!! :)

Katie Foley said...

Wow your art is fab what a great giveaway loving all the lil sock monkeys! count me in please! pop over to my blog and enter mine too i'm #328


Flora said...

How can I resist his charms!???
Please add me !!!!

Unknown said...

How cool is he? Some people just amaze me!

Sophie said...

Alistair would make a great addition to my household! I would love a chance to win this.
Sophie in Montreal

Beth said...

Aw! I have a 14-almost 15 month old boy! I'm loving being a new mom! You have very sweet children!
Hope you have gotten time to rest! Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering! Good luck!

robin westenhiser said...

your work is awesome! tahnks from Tucson, robin

Ayala Art said...

Count me in!!! :oD Hugs

Our Hands For Hope said...

Oh yeah...great stuff.

I'm trying not to fall as I am "running with scissors" on this carpet ride. Please enter me.
Terisa #104

Sea Gypsy said...

Hi! It is so nice to meet you!I love your work and those cake toppers are so much fun! Just reading about all your doing made my head spin. I just love Alistair and how you gave yourself the challege. I do that myself and it is so much fun to see what comes out. If I win this guy he will have a happy home in my studio! Good luck on the move!

yoborobo said...

I remember when my kids were little and I had to wean them. Bittersweet days. :) Your work is lovely! I would love to be entered - thank you! Pam

Mendy said...

You know what I love most in projects, dolls and life.. the perfectly imperfect things.. Just like Alistair.. he gives me that same feeling.. he is amazing and I would love to have him close to me. I am crossing my fingers, REALLY hard for this one! thank you for this amazing giveaway, count me in! xo Mendy

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Alistair is wonderful, he has a lot of character. What a fabulous giveaway, hope your life settles down soon. Another wonderful blog on this magic carpet ride.

Gina said...

I know it's not the sock monkey in the drawing but I'm a sock monkey lover from way back when my grandma used to make them and then taught me how. Lovely site!

Xanna's Jewelry Box said...

Beautiful blog! Lovely dolls! This is my first year doing this and I thought I'd just quickly look at a few blogs and skip along on my way....oh how wrong I was! This so crazy interesting and everyone and there blogs are incredible! thank you, ~Xanna

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Alistair frightens the socks off me but he's, somehow, sorta cute.
I'm 211 on the magic carpet ride; please visit.

Paperfanatic said...

Alistair is sweet. I knew an Alistair and he looked a lot like this. please count me in. my blog is

WW said...

Love your work.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


mitz said...

** raising hand ** -- wanting to
adopy alistair.. thanks for
the opportunity... .. t c

carol l mckenna said...

Love him ~ hope I win! do come by my blog to win my creations ~

Kathy said...

Absolutely adorable. Love them, love them, love them! If you get a chance, please stop by my blog. I am 542 on the magic carpet.

Zoe said...

That is such a unique giveaway! I really like it :)

#711 on the magic carpet :)

Sandi said...

I just love Alistair!!! I'd like a chance to own him. Sounds like you are crazy busy in a good way tho!


Wilma Simmons (Empress Wu Designs) said...

what a fun character - thanks for being part of this great event. Thanks for visiting my blog, too - happy to follow you.

Ginny said...

I'm not following your blog, lovely stuff!

Lorri said...

I'm loving your art and creativity... always liked what you create!!

I'm having fun blog hopping and joining all the giveaways that are inspiring to me.

Thank you for sharing I have my fingers crossed.

Pop on over to number 671 and visit mine too.

I'm happy to become a follower & I have a follower giveaway on my blog too :))


Please add my name to the hat!

Marie S said...

Please count me in Alistair is just awesome.
Thank you for playing in OWOH.
Nice to meet you.

Maggie R said...

Great Give away.. Thanks so much for entering my name for a chance to win..
Hop on the Magic Carpet and fly over to my blog to enter for my prize. Isn't this fun!

Yvonne said...

Wonderful post. I've been a follower of yours for awhile now and always enjoy reading and looking at all your wonderful creations. I'm in south Texas below Corpus. :) I'm #736 in the magic carpet ride. Hope you come visit sometime.

Unknown said...

I love challenging myself to use only certain objects when making things. Sorta like an Iron Crafter!

Outstanding giveaway!

My OWOH post

nfaband said...

Ok ... I officially think I'm in love with your gorgeous little giveaway .. he'd look quite nice sitting on my fireplace mantle. Please add my name to your giveaway ... and good luck with your move.

Anonymous said...

Cool giveaway, please include your blog.

Take care,

Tumbleweed Trails said...

I would love to have him as a new pal. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!

Lisa said...

I would love to win this! So so cute! Please add me in.

Pearl Avenue Studios

ladyb1 said...

He is so cute, you are very clever. Take the carpet over to #710.

Pat Haight said...

Alistair is just awesome! He would be the perfect companion in my studio. I'm sure he would never ask "What's that supposed to be?"☺
Please include me in your drawing.
If you get time to take a breath, stop by my blog and say hi.

Unknown said...

Love your blog and your dolls ! I would be very happy to give Alistair a new home ♥

I'm thinking about starting to wean my baby soon too , She is almost 14 months and doesn't seem to be ready to self wean anytime soon ! Good luck finding a new house !

Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

The doll is awesome! You have some beautiful treasures, please enter me into your drawing. And then come over to my blog and enter my giveaway.

Southern Illinois
Magic Carpet #460
prpldy@comcast dot net

Amisha said...

I like your monkey creations. And your giveaway is fun, it sounds like you'll need a vacation soon!

Kathy Eddy said...

I think he is adorable and would look charmiong sitting above my desk area! LOL Hop over to my blog and play also. #571

Rusted Wings said...

so sweeeet!! lovely offering!!
please count me in & come by & enter my giveaway #774

Shona Cole said...

that is so cute.

shona cole

TiLT said...

wow - loving little Alistair. Great choice...can't wait until he's on my shelf :P A girl can dream...I see there are at east 140 others who feel the same. Gotta love this carpet ride!

And 15 months...already!!! wow, time flies.I started stopping by just before he came along.

Nicolette said...

What a great giveaway! Please count me in, and please visit my giveaway at

Anonymous said...

Love Him. Please enter me in your giveaway and do enter mine.

Regina said...

Hi Waxela..Swooped in from Alabama on my magic carpet today. This truly is a wonderful adventure Lisa has sent us all on. So many miles apart but with so many things in common.

Love the giveaway.Please put my name in the hat.

When you take your next ride please come by and sit a spell at my place #760 look around and enter for one of my treasures.


Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Waxela, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the monkeys. You're are so talented. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


Anji Gallanos said...

Very sweet, quirky and perfect!

Thanks so much

Unknown said...

Your baby is too cute. Good luck with the weaning and the overall craziness. What a wonderful giveaway! I need to investigate your blog further :) Thanks for the chance. You can find my post and giveaway at #351

rochambeau said...

Your meditation Monkey is it!

VintageCrafter said...

Too cute!!!Please throw my name into your draw box. I would love to be the lucky winner>

Dianie said...

I love your work! So fun and unique.
Please enter me in your giveaway:)

~Diane #803

Cindy said...

Just love your blog and your talent! Please enter my name in your drawing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

thasnifty said...

I'd love a chance to win Alistair. He is sooooo much fun. Please enter me!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

What a wonderful giveaway and thank you for offering such fab gifts. Have fun on the Magic Carpet! IT's HUGE this year! LOL

Krissy said...

By the way, I love the sock monkey doing yoga! And Alistair is so full of personality! Love it!

Sandy said...

You are a great artist!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Sandy Hubbard
OWOH #823

Jane said...

Greetings from Canada. I really enjoyed visiting your blog and meeting all the characters that you create.
They are delightful. Please come visit my blog when you have a moment.

Connie said...

Hi Waxela!

What a cute giveaway! Love all your work and your blog. Please count me in.

I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. Please be sure to stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.

Hope to see you there!


Unknown said...

Please sign me up!
Please visit us, we're #617 on the list!

Susan said...

Greetings and Blessings from Salem!
Charming giveaway! Please enter me too! Come visit my blog giveaway too! Susan

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Alistar would fit in at my house nicely! Please add my name. If you get a chance, stop by. I'm 274 on the list.

ChatElaine said...

He is very cute please enter me into your draw. Good luck with your house hunting!

Elaine #814 on the journey

Christy said...

Your creations are so delightful! Glad to have found your blog!!

ozlynda said...

You sure are busy right now. I wish you all the luck in the world right now.
Please enter me into the draw.

SueFitz said...

Beautiful work - please enter me.

#834 & 835

janil said...

Your work is lovely!!!I follow you now and...please pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Tanya said...

I hope Alistair comes to live with me, thank you for a great giveaway
Tanya #828

Tester Mari said...

Would love to give Alistair a home! =)

marilavado (at)

Flipsi said...

great give away!! please count me in!

Lauren R said...

Hello, nice to meet you and visit your blog! I love Alistair! Please enter me in your giveaway, I have just submitted mine so please visit my blog to enter!

LynnF said...

First time visitor to your wonderful blog! Please throw my name into the hat to win your fabulous giveaway! And thank you! LynnF

Amy said...

I love Alistair. In fact, I even love the name "Alistair"'s one of my faves, which horrifies my mom because she's convinced if I have a song that will be his name. :)

Anyway, if Alistair comes to live with me, we will have many fun adventures, and probably try to take over the world.

What a wonderful and clever creation! Thank you so much for your giveaway!

Amy, OWOH #680/681

Sarah said...

My roommate loves Alistar, so she told me to enter, too.


Jasmine said...

Oh wow, I think I have just fallen in love with Alistair, I want to hug him xJ

foxygknits said...

Hi Waxela: Thank you so much for visiting Atlanta and my blog. You are one busy SpiritMama; may your spirits buoy you up and keep you going!

I would love to win Alistair, so please count me in!

Foxy G’s Den of i-KNIT-quity, #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride: ♥

Carrieann said...

Hi from Las Vegas!

love your clay work and your blog!
Would give Alestair a good home! ;)
Thanks for having us over to visit.

We hope you'll come visit us (#467) and check out our OHOW Giveaway...

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this year's OWOH. Especially since you have SO much going on on real life. Sounds like you need "a gal Friday"!
I would be honored to enter your giveaway for Alistair!
Lisa Swifka

divaqueenie said...

I love Alistair, he's adorable. Thanks for sharing.

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

oh! your little monster is adorable! I can just see him sitting on a special shelf!

Unknown said...

he is a real little character...i would love to win him! Please include me in your giveaway and come visit mine if you have a chance...melinda #71

Helen said...

Alistair is so cute. I'd love to win him.

Icela said...

Waxela, your creations are all so beautiful, I would be honored if I won one, so count me in on your giveaway.

OWOH #791

Rich Witch said...


Please count me in!


Rich Witch

Unknown said...

The Monkeys are sooooo cute! Please visit my blog:

Evelyn's Wonderland said...

Oh! Alistair is just adorable, I would love the chance to win him. Please add me to your giveaway.
Evelyn, I'm #540

jamaise said...

I love him and I bet my little guy would make him feel right at home :) I hope you find a bit of time for yourself in all the rush.
Please stop @ Wishing Penny if you have time #916

Anonymous said...

those monkeys are the best haha pure awesomeness !!

Enter my giveaway as well =D
I'm #889 on the magic carpet!

Stanza Rae said...

I am having so much fun ride the magic carpet around the world and seeing such lovely blogs and amazing artisians.

Thank you for your giveaway, please enter me.

Take a ride on your own magic carpet over to (#903) and enter my drawing for 2 pairs of handmade earrings!

Deborah said...

Your sock monkeys are absolutely wonderful. Hope things calm down a bit for you soon. Alistair is a sweetheart. Please add me to your drawing.

Dolores said...

Alistair is totally different. I would love to win him. I do hope you don't get too stressed over all that is on your plate right now.

Textile and Stitch said...

Wow, you certainly are busy and still moderating the Traveling Doll project on top of it! Thanks for doing that, I'm participating and should be finishing up my journal as we speak but there's so many fun places to visit :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, how cute are your monkeys! Alistar is adorable, I NEED HIM!
you probably don't have any time. very busy mommy, but if you can come by for a visit, I'd love that.
#622 Lucys Baby

s hyler said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing.

Teresa aka Tess said...

Alistair is adorable. How creative you are!! Please count me in. And yes I think you have another new follower. :)
Teresa aka Tess

Jona Panesa said...

I love your giveaway this year!!! i have been a follower since OWOH last year and loved the ATC you sent me. I also follow your travelling art dolls and loved how those dolls are transformed!!! drop by my blog once again!!!

AJ said...

Greetings from Manila, Philippines! Thanks for the giveaway ( :

A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

RR said...

So fun! Thanks for the chance.

Juli said...

He is absolutely gorgeous!! I would love to win! =)

Tamara C said...

What a wonderful blog and Alistair is just delightful! Thank you for your generous heart! Hugs, Tamara :)

KMP50 said...

So cute! I'm amazed at all the talented people on the Magic Carpet ride. Thanks for letting me enter!
kathybear at comcast dot net

Dschrader said...

Your son is adorable! Love your work! Have bookmarked your site to visit often! I love to work with clay too! Crossing my fingers!

Youngish said...

Alistair is darling! please count me in:)

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Awww - he's so cute! And that is an incredible list of things your dealing with all at once. Whew! Good luck :) Come by and visit my giveaway if you have a minute (and I'll understand if you don't!)


Janice said...

Very cute...and those cake toppers are amazing!! Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Lisa Pidgeon said...

Lovely giveaways and great site. Would love to be entered.

Anonymous said...

I love this cute Alistair Iriekins. Please, throw my name in the hat so I can get the chance to win him. Thanks a lot! Kind regards, Jutta from Germany

Artbybdell said...

Oh my gosh he is sooo cute please include me also visit for my giveaways.

Peggy said...

He is too cute!!
I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

Michelle said...

I love Alistair. He is adorable and I like so much the cute little details you added onto him! I love that you recycled too and came up with such a fantastic creation.

Please enter me into your giveaway and accept my appreciation for your offering such a great giveaway during such a busy time in your life. Thank you very much.

(I just moved 14 hours away from where I lived, so I so understand what you are going through!!!)


msloyola at gmail dot com

Deb K said...

Please enter me~I would love to win this great prize!


Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name. :0)
OWOH #1025

The Feathered Snail said...

I love him! Please enter me!
sunswirlgirl at aol dot com

Carolee said...

How adorable! Please do toss my name in the hat! :)

♥ Carolee (#183)

CathyH said...

Alistair is so cool, would be friendly inspiration in my art studio :) Joined your blog today!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

Wonderful gift! Would love to have him on my desk, yes, please enter me in this drawing.

And feel free to enter mine at:

Thank you!

EvScott said...

Cute with a Capital C !!!
Such fun!!

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