Sunday, January 24, 2010

OWOH Giveaway 2010 *Winner!

I just used Random Number Generator to choose a winner, and the winner of Alistair is...
Malisa from Moonlight Hollow!

Congrats Malisa, and thank you so much to all who entered!  I'll have a giveaway for my followers very soon.

OWOH is here, hurray! 
It's the beloved Lisa Swifka's 4th annual One World One Heart Giveaway,  
The theme of this year's event is the "Magic Carpet Ride", and I feel like I've been on an out of control carpet lately!

 This year OWOH has landed on one of the busiest times of my life. I am planing for a move, prepping my house to be put on the market, furiously packing boxes, driving 1000 miles with my hubby to look at houses and then turning around and driving back two days later.  (I happen to be stuck 2 hours south of my destination due to a snowstorm as I'm writing this!)

My polymer clay sock monkey cake toppers have hit an all time high in sales, keeping me very busy in the studio...
    and the ADO (art dolls only) Team's 2010 Traveling Doll Project has just begun 

(pictured is "Sarah" speaking with some cake topper monkeys.  Sarah belongs to Colleen Downs of LoopyBoopy, and she was Colleen's 2009 traveling doll)

Whew, if that's not enough, I'm weaning my sweet little 15 month old Baby G, which is emotionally challenging for us both.  Fortunately he is a big lover of food,  I've never seen anyone his size eat more than he does!

I had such a wonderful time visiting blogs last year during OWOH, I think I visited 1000!
This year I hope to visit at least several hundred.  I'll visit yours if you visit mine, wink wink!

I am ready for some serious R & R.  I'm not sure when that will happen, but let's pretend...

Breathe in.....

Breathe out....

Breathe in...

Breathe out...
Ahhh, that's better.

And now for my giveaway!

This is Alistair Iriekins.  
He is plush, and upcycled from a box of fabric an trims that was given to me last year.
I made a challenge for myself to use only the materials in the box to create his body and hair.  I added a bit of wire to his feelers and some fiberfill to stuff him.
He is 16" tall seated (not including his legs) and he is for decorative purposes, not for children to play with.

Alistair is full of love, and ready to be someone's new pal! 
For your chance to win him, just leave me a comment on this blog post before midnight on Feb 14th, and I will choose a winner on February 15th!
(be sure to leave an email address or a way for me to find you if you are the winner)
If you choose to follow my blog, thank you!  I will be happy to follow your blog too.  I will also be having a blog giveaway later in February specifically for my followers.

Thank you Lisa for hosting this fabulous event!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Check This Out!

I was featured on the ADO Traveling Doll Project blog today.  It is a lovely write up by Cindy Sowers, who is doing features on each of the traveling doll artists for 2010.

Stay tuned, the new TDP has just begun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

11 Little Doggies

I've been away from blogging for too long, but I'm back and I'll give you a peek at some custom dog sculpture ornaments I made during the Christmas rush.