Saturday, December 19, 2009

Time to Relax (almost)!

It has been a CRAAAAZY month for me!
My daughter had an insane number of events to attend, including a piano recital, dance recital, orchestra concert, winter dance (I chaperoned...yikes!) and that is just the beginning.

I set up at several local art and craft shows, and sold online too. 

I also started a new little Etsy shop, which will remain a secret for now.  I opened it on Dec. 9, and had 27 sales in my first 8 days!  There will be more to come about that, it's a weird, but people seem to like it, and a big blog saw it and blogged about it after my second day online, and then another, and it's had a good start and kept me very busy!

I'm not sure if I'll blog again before Christmas, so happy holidays everyone!
Enjoy your family and down time, and think wonderful thoughts of prosperity for the new year.

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Two Austin Shows This Weekend

I'm a busy Mama getting ready for two shows this weekend.

First, it's Etsy Austin's "Craft Riot"!

and in case one fancy flyer for Craft Riot is not enough, here is another:

Sounds great, doesn't it?  A little wine, some handmade gifts, photos with Santa, and me!

I also have some of my work at the
South Corridor Gallery @ First Presbyterian Church
8001 Mesa Drive, Austin, Texas  78731
 there will be a reception and market with the artists Sunday morning.


A Multi-media exhibition By
 Multicultural Artists Partnership

Artists Reception and Gift Market:
Sunday, December 6, 9:45 to 11:30 am
 South Corridor Gallery @ First Presbyterian Church
8001 Mesa Drive, Austin, Texas  78731
Tel: 345-8866

Featuring art and handmade crafts for sale,
Created by the artists featured in this exhibit-
A great opportunity for Christmas shopping while supporting local artists.
Please come join us!